Timber Stop Log Panels for run-of-river Hydro Project in BC
Industrial Timber Products has been busy building a variety of Stop Log Panels during the last few weeks. These panels were 240mm thick and 3650mm long and will slide down between concrete abutments on the site. De-watering valves will be installed in the 240mm holes through the panels so the water level can be controlled. The panels are made with Douglas Fir Select Structural timbers and are splined together with hardwood splines. The splines will swell in use (when wet) and will stop water leakage. Neoprene seals are being installed on the face-ends and the bottoms of the panels to reduce leakage. The challenge of building these panels was highlighted when we had to drill 240mm and 290mm holes accurately through the panels. We will try to post pictures after these have been installed. Contact us for all your difficult timber framing projects!